Was it not a gorgeous weekend? Nice weather, not too cold nor hot, and sunny...yes, it was nice. Today we wake up and it's raining, what happened? So we have to pay for the nice weekend with a nasty start-rainy, every station you turn to it's something about Tiger Woods and his speech. It's more news, gossip, and media. It will be okay! The weather comes and goes, so will Tigers' affairs...we do what we must and life goes on.
With that being said, you should not let the news, weather, nor gossip get you into your head because you have the day ahead of you and need to prepare for the Charlotte, NC, Job Fair at the ITT-North Campus tomorrow morning from 9 until 1 o'clock. Don't miss it! You know you want to be there and land that job you have been waiting for or that career to get your life started. We all need a boost in life and this job fair could be the one where we help turn it into reality and not just a dream job anymore.
Last minute reminders and to do's:
- You made that resume, spruced it up and with your current information? Great.
- Research on the companies? Yep.
- Wardrobe picked out and appropriate (casual business-keep it nuetral and not over dressed)? Check.
- Well groomed (comb/brushed hair, clip nails-get rid of the dark nail polish)? Always.
- Take a notebook and pen
- Be prepared to ask your questions
- Shake hands and SMILE
Once again, these are things that we should have in mind and know by heart but sometimes we tend to forget and need a little bit of reminding from time to time. Don't worry so much, Let Us Be Your Guide!
We look forward to seeing you there at the job fair!

-Khon Phaxai
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