Thursday, February 25, 2010

Follow-Up After the Job Fair

Alright, people we had the job fair for the Charlotte, NC at the ITT Technical School-North Campus yesterday, 23rd of February, and it went well about 400 jobseekers attended. Did you show up? Why didn't you? Stop coming up with excuses already, we missed you! For those that attended the event, Thank you! This is exactly, what should be occuring today: Send out the thank you notes. Heard that before?

First, Congratulations for taking the time out of your busy schedule and attending our event. You have now taken the first: Before the Job Fair, second: During the Job Fair, and almost third step to a new job or career. Don't get in your mind that you are now done because you're not; there is still one more step, the Follow-Up.

It may seem like a follow-up after an interiew is a complete waste of time. Wrong. Experts agree that follow-up is an important part of attending a job fair. This is true, not only for job fairs, but all job aspects. This process is the easiest step of all; with-in two days make sure that you are sending out a thank you note or letter to the employer(s) that you were interviewing. In the note write something you were discussing that will remind the employer of who you are when he/she is reading the note. What is the point in this? It lets the employer know that, one, you are serious about the job, two, you paid attention, third, you are the right person for the job and last of all you appreciate them had being there at the event. Kindness goes a long way.

So get a move on it. Go! Grab the business card you got a hold of and send out the note already. Quit your stalling and excuses take a step forward...we're helping you! Let Us Be Your Guide.-Khon Phaxai

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