Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Interview That'll Bag A Job!

As we prepare for the upcoming Job Fairs in Greensboro and Charlotte we were searching for tips we can share with job seekers. We came across this great article, "The Interview That'll Bag A Job!" in the online edition of The Wall Street Journal.

The article shares several great tips from recruiters on what you should and shouldn't do on your job interview. Tips like "Don't appear desperate", to "show you've done your homework on the company" are all useful tips to remember when you land that interview.

We suggest thay if you do have an interview scheduled, read the article for some last minute tips.

And don't forget that a great way to get an interview is to attend one of our Job Fairs. You can find out more about our upcoming events and pre-register and upload your resume at . We're expecting 15 to 20 companies, like AT&T/, Bojangles, Terminix, NASCAR Tech, Nouveau Riche, Vanderbilt Mortgage and many others.

So if you're looking for a new career opportunity, be sure to attend the job fair, do your homework, ace the interview, and land that great new job.

1 comment:

Job Interview Tips said...

Hey thanks a lot for sharing the link and info. This seems to be really interesting and promises to be useful.