Thursday, August 21, 2008

Why Social Networking Is Important for Your Job

Don’t think social networking matters? Think again. Over the last 3 years social networking is on the rise, especially in the job sector. Don't believe me, check out this graph by Indeed:

(Click image to view full size)

Indeed goes through a pretty large amount (approx. 50 million) of jobs every year (including jobs from and this graph shows the rise in "social networking" appearing in job postings.

Maybe you won't have to know how to use social networking as your main job function, but it's definitely something worth knowing about. At very least, you should at least be able to track your reputation online and find out what employers can see, especially if you're participating in social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook.

- Rosie Reilman


Anonymous said...

Wow, that's an incredible graph. As more companies and organizations look to the web to hold conversations, the more people will need to know about these technologies.

It is also great because it gives the job seeker an advantage to know about things happening online and taking charge of their own personal brand.

Thanks Rosie!

The Employment Guide said...

Exactly! Thanks for the comment, Greg.
- R

Anonymous said...

Your post is excellent.This is really helpful blog for everyone search jobs in chennai

social networking site said...

Using the popular social networking sites are becoming a popular way to do internet marketing, but it can be difficult to understand those new to social networking. You just concentrate on the most popular social networking sites and leave the rest alone for now.