Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Wiser Worker Blog Updates

Check out a couple of new postints on the Wiser Worker blog:

Supreme Court Defends Older Workers
The Supreme Court has shifted the burden of proof over to companies who are under claims of age discrimination especially in the event of lay offs or downsizing... (read the rest)

Filling the Gap with Experienced Workers
I’ve seen several news sources lately that present quite a positive outlook for the 60+ workers considering getting into the workforce. It’s not surprising with the Baby Boomers gearing up for retirement it seems that there’s a lot of hype about whether or not we’ll have enough people to fill all the jobs that are available. Even now with a lack luster economy, it seems employers are looking for more experience, better quality candidates. Alot of these news stories have been saying that mature workers are actually preferred in some of the jobs that traditionally have been for teenagers or college students. (read the rest)

Also be sure to check out the other Wiser Worker Resources or search jobs on WiserWorker.com

- Rosie Reilman

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